Programs and Events

Join us for spiritually enlivening experiences

At ISKCON Devotee Care Mayapur, we offer a range of spiritually enlivening events and programs designed to bring devotees together and deepen their connection with Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's mission. Whether you are a long-time devotee or new to Krishna Consciousness, our events are perfect for immersing yourself in the transcendental joy of devotional service.

Upcoming Events

Gaura Purnima Festival

March 17, 2025

Join us in celebrating the glorious appearance day of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the most auspicious event in Mayapur dham. Enjoy thrilling kirtans, dynamic spiritual discourses, prasadam, and cultural programs as we immerse together in devotional service.

Kirtan Mahotsav – 24-Hour Kirtan Festival

January 15-16, 2025

Experience the transcendental vibrations of the Maha-Mantra as devotees gather for 24 hours of non-stop chanting to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Open to all devotees, families, and visitors.

Regular Programs

Kirtan and Bhajans

Daily, Morning and Evening sessions

Location: ISKCON Mayapur Main Temple Hall

Immerse yourself in the transcendental sound vibrations of Lord Krishna's Holy Names through soul-stirring kirtans and bhajans held in the temple daily. These sessions recharge the soul and create a heart-centered connection with the Lord.

Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam Classes

Daily, Bhagavad Gita (Morning), Srimad Bhagavatam (Afternoon)

Location: Temple Lecture Hall

Join us for scripture study led by senior devotees and sannyasis. Delve deeper into the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and the narrations of the Srimad Bhagavatam for spiritual knowledge and inspiration in your daily life.

Sunday Love Feast

Every Sunday, 5:00 PM onwards

Location: Temple Courtyard/Prasadam Hall

Every Sunday, Mayapur Dham hosts the traditional ISKCON Sunday Love Feast—a joyful celebration of kirtans, pravachans (spiritual lectures), and delicious Krishna prasadam for all visitors and devotees.

Join Our Events

Don't miss the chance to participate in these uplifting events and programs. Be part of the vibrant spiritual community at ISKCON Mayapur and experience the transformative power of Krishna Consciousness.

Contact Us for Event Details